Bubble Pudding Stop! – Funny kids song | Hooray Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes

Oh dear, magic pudding is spreading over the whole house of the Hurray kids songs family. It bubbles, and bubbles and won’t stop… Will Henry and Emma find a way to stop it from bubbling and spreading?

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Here are the lyrics for the song “Bubble Pudding Stop!”

Blub, blab, blob – Bubble pudding Stop!
Emma finds a Strawberry-Pudding-Mix, Where’s it from?
It looks magical and tasty too. Maybe it’s a special pudding?!?
Henry gets all the baking bits. Emma! It’s just pudding!
To find out what this powder can do. Here we go!
It steams and hisses, crackles and bubbles,
The pudding grows and here comes trouble!

Bubblepudding loves to grow – where can it go? Where can it go?
Bubblepudding loves to – where can it go?

In every glass: Pudding!
It just won’t stop: Pudding!
Fill every Bottle: Pudding!
Right to the top!

It tastes so good, this magic brew!
Then I’ll fill up my wellies too!

More pudding comes flowing from the bowl. We’ll be eating this for years!
What is in this crazy pudding mix? Magic Powder!
This pudding is way out of control! Can you put it somewhere?
We have to stop this crazy pudding’s tricks!

Open your mouth! Pudding!
Hey Granny – eat that Pudding!
Hey Barky – eat that Pudding!
Hey Batty – eat that Pudding!
Hey Goldfish – eat that Pudding!

Take a look what’s written on the packet!
A magic spell!

Blub, blab, blob – Bubblepudding Stop!
Zick, zack, zock – stay in your pot!
Piff, pouff, puff – you’re tasty stuff!
But that’s enough! Yes that’s enough!

It stopped!
What do we do with all that pudding?

Bubblepudding loves to grow – where can it go? Where can it go?
Bubblepudding loves to grow – where can it go?

Hey, what happend?

#HoorayKidsSongs #NurseryRhymes #sillysong

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